To ALL our loyal 'all about TOURS' friends:
As a high number of you possibly already know, it is with great sadness that I have had to seize operation of all about TOURS.
This has been an incredibly difficult decision, but unfortunately, although we battled through the main COVID times, we had to accept loses and basically start from scratch. We really did try, but we have just not been able to grow the numbers and therefore make it a business that can give the service and satisfaction, that we have always aimed for.
The last thing we want is for this journey to finish on a sour note and so I have written to a number of you already personally and I will be writing to others asap.
Unfortunately, on an additional, very sad note, not too long after I made the decision to close the company, my Mum (Jean Laver), who a lot of you will have known for years, unfortunately took ill and sadly passed away on the 2nd of August.
These were very difficult days, on top of an already very difficult time and so I apologize profusely for not being in touch with all, in appropriate and correct time manner.
I will go into more personal detail with each letter, but for now, can I please express my sincere apologies for the current situation and all disappointments that will have come with holidays being cancelled.
Forever sorry Martin

UK Tours 2024

September 2024
Friday 13th

Monday 16th

Monday 23rd

October 2024
Monday 7th
Sunday 13th
Monday 21st

Monday 28th

November 2024
Monday 4th
Monday 18th

December 2024
Sunday 1st
Monday 23rd
Monday 30th